Past Institute lectures


The capacity to hope is common to human experience, and often confounds easy answers. Hope looks beyond the present, and may be found in the darkest of situations. Hope can inspire, support perseverance, and motivate change. Without hope, our capacity to build good relationships is curtailed. But as a virtue, it needs to be nourished and curated. On what basis, if any, is it possible to be hopeful today? What values can help to build hope where it is in short supply? Where is hope to be found in public life? What will kindle hope in the hearts of public servants and public service institutions, and how can they foster that hope in the people they serve? What role can faith communities play in this?


What is hope?

The Reverend Dr James Hawkey, Canon of Westminster

A contemplation of Hope

Jenny McCarthy, journalist and author

Audio recording

Hope in Society

Dame Barbara Stocking, President of Murray Edwards College, Cambridge, and Baroness D’Souza

Charles Gore Memorial Lecture: A Theology of Hope for the 21st Century

Professor Jürgen Moltmann, Professor Emeritus of Systematic Theology, University of Tübingen, and The Reverend Dr James Hawkey, Canon of Westminster

Audio recordings

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