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Holy Week and Easter
Celebrate Holy Week and Easter with Westminster Abbey
A podcast for Palm Sunday
Sunday, 5th April 2020
A new podcast is released today for Palm Sunday, the day of Jesus's triumphal entry into Jerusalem and the beginning of Holy Week.
HRH The Prince of Wales records Easter Day reading
Thursday, 9th April 2020
His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales has recorded a reading of the Gospel for Easter Day which will be broadcast by Westminster Abbey.
A Reflection for Good Friday
Friday, 10th April 2020
I was outside in the Abbey garden. The sun shone on cherry blossom and tulips. Spring ablaze before me, full of new life and promise.
A Reflection for Easter Day
Sunday, 12th April 2020
I grew up in a house where Easter could be a bit problematic. There were Easter eggs of course, but we were not churchgoers.
Sung Eucharist with the Blessings of Palms and Procession
Sunday, 24th March 2024
Sung Eucharist with the Blessings of Palms and Procession: This Palm Sunday Sung Eucharist marks the start of Holy Week. It represents Jesus Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem, where the crowd laid.
Sung Eucharist with the Washing of Feet
Thursday, 28th March 2024
This Sung Eucharist service commemorates the Last Supper at which Jesus gave us the new commandment that we love one another (Latin mandatum, from which we derive the word Maundy).
Solemn Liturgy of the Passion and Death of Our Lord
Friday, 29th March 2024
A solemn service that includes readings, reflections and the Veneration of the Cross - members of the congregation will be invited to follow the Abbey clergy in reverencing the cross.
Holy Communion (BCP) on Easter Day
Sunday, 31st March 2024
A quiet, said service, in traditional language, according to the 1662 Book of Common Prayer, lasting around 40 minutes.
Sung Eucharist on Easter Day
Sunday, 31st March 2024
The Abbey’s principal Easter service, sung by the Choir of Westminster Abbey, celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
Concert for Holy Week: Bach - St Matthew Passion
Tuesday, 26th March 2024
The Choir of Westminster Abbey is joined by leading period-instrument orchestra St. James' Baroque for this Holy Week performance of Bach’s powerful Matthäus-Passion (St Matthew Passion), sung in German.
Concert: BACH - St John Passion
Tuesday, 15th April 2025
The Choir of Westminster Abbey is joined by The English Concert for this Holy Week performance of Bach’s moving Johannes-Passion (St John Passion), sung in German.