A Prayer for Ukraine

Thursday, 31st March 2022

A Prayer for Ukraine

Westminster Abbey will join churches and Christians across the UK and Ireland on Sunday 3rd April to come together in an act of witness to pray and light candles for Ukraine, for an end to the conflict and for peace in our world.

Prayers will be said during Evensong on Passion Sunday. All are welcome and no tickets are required.

The Dean of Westminster, The Very Reverend Dr David Hoyle said:

"We have been praying for the safety and well-being of the people of Ukraine since the invasion began. We will continue to pray for them, for all those whose lives are in danger, for hope in dark times, and for a peace that will end division and violence. On Saturday our prayer will appear as light in the darkness."

A graphic of the Ukrainian flag, with the message of uniting in prayer for Ukraine, will light up the West Towers of the Abbey on the evening before, Saturday 2nd April.


A Prayer for Ukraine is a joint initiative by Churches Together in England, Christian Aid and Churches Together in Britain and Ireland.