Where, why and how do Christians pray?

Key stage



Religious Education


Prayer and worship


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Eucharist at Westminster Abbey - copyright Dean and Chapter of Westminster


Recap the essential elements of where, how and why Christians pray, within the context of Westminster Abbey, at the start of the topic on prayer and worship. This KS3 introduction lesson is designed to last for one hour. It includes activities about what Christian worship looks like, examples of how Christians pray and an activity about matching key locations in the Abbey with definitions of their purpose in a service.

Learning objectives

  • To be able to define what Christian prayer and worship entails
  • To be able to explain what Christian worship looks like
  • To be able to discuss different examples of Christian prayer, including the Lord’s Prayer
  • To be able to discuss reasons why Christians might pray
  • To be able to understand the location and roles of objects and spaces in Westminster Abbey that relate to worship